8. Beguine Courtyard - The New Delft Water Walk

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Water Storage: A large water reservoir was constructed below this new garden. One of the eldest courtyards in Delft has become climate adapted and is prepared for the 21st century.

The Beguine Courtyard (‘Bagijnhof’) was founded in 1287. The Beguines were unmarried women who lived in religious communities and stressed imitation of Jesus’ life through voluntary poverty, care of the poor and sick, and religious devotion.  Within the courtyard, two well-known buildings are the Maria and Ursula hidden church (‘schuilkerk’) and the old Bethel Hospital, which is now student housing.  The courtyard was completely renovated in 2023, and the existing parking lot was replaced by a beautiful garden as well as an underground water storage system to help reduce local flooding from intense rainstorms.